Longueuil, October 5, 2020 – Animal identification is one of the fundamental principles of Québec’s traceability system, and this is why Agri-Traçabilité Québec (ATQ) is pleased to announce the following improvements and changes for bovine identifiers.
The retention of identifiers is a significant challenge for producers. The arrival of the Ultraflex identifier in 2011 greatly contributed to improving this issue to the satisfaction of bovine producers. With an eye on continuous improvement, ATQ has worked closely with the Allflex team over the past year to make further improvements to the Ultraflex identifier aimed at increasing retention performance. As of this fall, Québec cattle
In addition, on October 5, 2020, Lactanet Canada and Dairy Farmers of Canada will officially launch DairyTrace, the national dairy cattle traceability program. As Lactanet has been recognized as the national administrator responsible for dairy cattle under Part XV of the Health of Animals Regulations, the logo on dairy cattle identifiers will be the DairyTrace logo from now on.