Traceability of Excavated Contaminated Soil

As of November 1, 2021, the use of Traces Québec, the government excavated contaminated soil traceability system, is mandatory in accordance with the Règlement concernant la traçabilité des sols contaminés excavés.

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Traces Québec: an integrated solution for the traceability of excavated contaminated soil

Traces Québec is available since September 22, 2021. This new traceability system allows for contaminated soil to be tracked from their original location to their final destination. It was developed and is managed by Attestra on behalf of the Ministère de l’Environnement, de la Lutte contre les changements climatiques, de la Faune et des Parcs (MELCCFP).

As of January 1, 2023, the use of the Traces Québec system has been mandatory for all excavated contaminated soils transported off-site. This traceability is required under the Règlement concernant la traçabilité des sols contaminés excavés (French only). It should be noted that fees per metric ton are payable under the Regulation respecting the fees payable with respect to the traceability of excavated contaminated soils.

Learn more about traceability of excavated soil (French only).

Press Releases

Traces Québec

Traces Québec est une application qui permet d’assurer la traçabilité des sols contaminés, de leur terrain d’origine vers des lieux autorisés.

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