Animal Identification


The official identifiers used in the traceability system for bovines, ovines, and cervids are equipped with an RFID electronic tag and a visual panel, both of which are recognized by the Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA).

The identifiers comply with international ISO standards and carry a unique 15-digit number, which will follow the animal throughout its life. 

Dual Identification

Québec regulations require the dual identification of each animal. This way, in the event that one of its two tags are lost, the animal remains identified. In the event both tags are lost, it is the producer or stakeholder’s responsibility to replace them with an identifier bearing the same or a different number, while ensuring that the two numbers are linked if necessary.


The identifiers used for dairy and beef cattle are white and available in HDX and FDX technologies. Three types of markings are available.


Since March 2011, Ultraflex has been used to identify bovines. Equipped with features to ensure a better retention rate, Ultraflex was upgraded in 2020 to enhance its performance. 

  • The composition of the plastic increases the durability of the identifier, in addition to offering a better resistance to temperature variations (summer/winter).
  • The back part, which is higher, less round and reinforced around the shaft, fits the shape of the ear better and reduces the space between the ear and the identifier. There is therefore less risk of getting snagged with tag traps (chains, feeder pipes, baler twine, etc.) and consequently less risk of tearing the ear and/or breaking identifiers. The shaft is now slightly longer to improve air circulation and help healing.

Choosing Tags

The two basic tags are composed of four pieces; for each ear of the animal, one male part is attached to the female part.

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Angus Tags

The logo of the Canadian Angus Association, affixed to an animal’s tags, gives a guarantee that it has at least 50% Angus genetics. In addition, the rear, lime-green couloured tag makes it easy to spot the Angus bovines from the rest of the cattle making up the herd.

Limousin Tags

This canadian-approved tag is distinguished by the pink parts on the back. Furthermore, the printing of Limousin on the two pieces of the visual tag, and printing of the canadian Limousin Association logo on the back part of the electronic tag, will show that these cattles belong to this breed.


This tag, available since October 2024, offers a larger visual panel than the standard one. This design provides better visibility of the number even as hair grows in the ears over the year

Tags for feeder calves outside of Québec

Where a bovine is identified with only one electronic tag, it is possible to:

  • Complete the identification by ordering a printed tag with the same number as that on the electronic tag;
  • Complete the identification with a blank tag on which you have written the same number as that on the electronic tag;
  • Complete the identification with a yellow tag showing your main site number and the 5 sequential numbers intended for the production of finished beef (see example below).
Feeder calve
Feeder calve

Marking options

The complete official number (9 digits) is always written in grey above the line. 

Regular marking

The four last digits are repeated below the line.

Marking with blank space

The blank space allows you to enter the management information based on your preferences.

Marking with a herd management number

The herd management number is bigger and darker, facilitating visual identification from a distance.


Metallic safety tags

Cattle producers in Quebec can now order Ketchum Kurl-Lock no.2 metallic safety tags.

Attestra would like to underline that these are unofficial tags and complementary to the regulatory tags.

Applicators and pins

Use the appropriate applicator for better retention.

Green pin

Use the appropriate applicator ad make sure it is in good condition
Remember that the GREEN pin must be used for Ultraflex


Identifiers used for ovines are yellow and offered in FDX technology. Two marking options are available and you have the option of requesting the year letter, which designates the birth year of the lamb, which can be printed when ordering tags.

The Choice of Tags

The two basic tags are composed of four pieces; for each ear of the animal, one male part is attached to the female part

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Regular marking

Regular marking and year letter (optional)

Herd management marking

Marking with herd management numbers and year letter (optional).

The letters are used to designate years of birth. The letters “I”, “O”, “Q” and “V” are not used as year designating letters.


Identifiers used for cervids are yellow and are offered in FDX technology. Various models are available and can be chosen according to the species of deer and the size of the animal. 

Choosing Tags

Four pieces make up the pair of tags; for each of the animal’s ears, a male part attaches to the female part.

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Letter "N" Ovine Tags for 2024

The letter “N” ovine tags will be available as of December 9, 2024.

The production of tags with the letter “M” will cease December 6, 2024 and these will be replaced by letter “N” tags for lambs born from January 1, 2025.

Read the press release