Attestra is closely following the evolution of the production of identifiers at Allflex and is working closely with them to remedy the situation as quickly as possible.
However, considering the additional delays in the processing and delivery of identifiers, Attestra would like to remind producers of the following requirements:
- Only approved identifiers ordered from Attestra can be used to identify bovines, ovines and cervids.
- It is forbidden to give or sell your tags to someone else (or to purchase them from a
third party) as you will not be in compliance with the Règlement sur l’identification et la traçabilité de certains animaux (Regulation respecting the identification and traceability of certain animals).
You are invited to contact Attestra’s Customer Service for any questions or to order identifiers by calling 1 866 270-4319.
We would like to thank you for your understanding in this matter.