
In July 2021, the Quebec government adopted the Règlement concernant la traçabilité des sols contaminés excavés (Regulation respecting the traceability of excavated contaminated soil).

This regulation is of paramount importance to counter illegal dumping of contaminated soil, which is harmful to both the contaminated soil management industry and the environment.

The Ministère de l’Environnement, de la Lutte contre les changements climatiques, de la Faune et des Parcs (MELCCFP) is responsible for regulatory enforcement. A web page dedicated to the traceability of excavated soil has been added to the MELCCFP website (French only). This page contains various information and documentation regarding the regulatory enforcement, such as an information sheet (French only) which summarizes the main aspects of the regulation and the various stages of the traceability of excavated contaminated soil process, along with detailed charts with information about the progressive implementation of the Regulation (French only). If you have any questions regarding the application of the regulation, contact your regional MELCCFP office.

Publications from the MELCCFP (French only)

Useful Links (French only)